Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Wonderful Thing That is the Promethean Board!

I have gotten to use technology a few times as I have taught. The Promethean board has been very helpful to me as I have taught reading and writing. In an interactive writing lesson we were writing about how to make a paper airplane. The students demonstrated how they make an airplane and then we brainstormed as a class what we should write to tell someone how ot make the airplane. When we decided on the title and the first sentence we would write, the students got to come up and write their sentence up on the promethean board. They really enjoyed getting to write on the board and loved that the font was in green because it was St. Patrick's day. They pay a lot more attention to the neatness of their handwriting when they write on the board I noticed. The board was great because everyone could see so well! i really enjoy using the promethean board and plan on using it for many activities in the future.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Using Technology in the Classroom

Having a promethean board in our classroom is very helpful to use in class. I could do a interactive writing lesson and use the board to have the students come and write the sentences we come up with on the board. Using the board excited the children because they can change the colors of their writing, they can erase work that they have done and want to do over, etc. The board is also able to be seen well by everyone in the class so all will learn and participate.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Technology Inventory

I was pleasantly surprised at how much technology we have available to us in our classroom and how much it is used. There are 4 computers in the classroom that students use daily at a literacy station to play literacy games. They take a computerized test every Friday on laptops that the school carts around. There is a TV and VCR player. Teachers have microphones that they can wear on their neck so that they or other students who are talking do not have to speak so loudly. Teachers have their own laptop. They have a projector they can attach their laptop to and use as well as a promethean board (like a SMARTboard). This is very useful for classroom instruction! Students can write on the board, teachers can use it in several different ways to make learning fun and interesting.
The students know quite a bit about technology and are much more tech savvy than I was at their age. They are able to navigate their computers very well with the mouse. Typing takes them a while but they can still do it. Technology is pretty readily available in the classroom, which is great!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Google Earth Virtual Tour!

Google Earth is Awesome! My tour is under my links for IP&T 287!