Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Two ideas from others presentations

I really liked how Chelsea used the promethean board ruler to have students measure different objects up on the board. This way everyone can see what is going on and learn at the same time. Stephanie's idea was also very good to help students understand symmetry. She had a powerpoint with examples and non-examples. The visuals were helpful in demonstrating the principle.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Internet Safety

I talked to a mother of 26 who has one little girl and another on the way. She knew a lot already about internet safety. She knew about preditors in places like My Space (we talked about how they are also in chat rooms - she doesn't like chat rooms). She knew that children were targeted for pornography through misspelled words. She doesn't agree with meeting people that you meet online for the most part. She monitors her computers use in the family at home. There is a password to get onto the computer and puts it in a public place. She knew that people are more bold to say things online than they are in person and that that can cause problems. The attitude for her is not what to do "if" a problem occurs, but "when" a problem occurs. I was able to help her see some more resources she could look at to increase her awareness even more and how she can prevent problems of people seeing too much of your personal information online. I sent her some of the talks that we read and alinks to websites that will help increase her awareness of cyberbullying, pornography, and how to protect yourself from preditors, etc. This was a very positive experience because she already knew quiet a bit about internet safety and agreed with precautions that should be taken. She appreciated having more resources to help her understand more and know how to prepare to help her children use technology appropriately. We were both of the opinion that technology is a very good thing when used correctly and that it can be easily abused. Helping children to have a well balanced life will help them avoid having too much time to abuse technology. We will teach our children correct principles and help them form good uplifting habits in their technology use.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Matt and Val's Tech Presentations

I really enjoyed seeing how Matt and Valerie used technology to enhance their lessons. Valerie guided the students very well in helping them to understand how to use a specific computer program to learn about fact families. The computer games really helped them to enjoy what they were learning and apply it. Matt was able to tell where his students were at in their understanding from the use of his technology because they could all send in their answer and then view the answer chart on the board. They were then able to discuss the right answers together. I think that this is a great idea! There are so many ways to use technology to enhance learning in the classroom. Thanks Matt and Val for some great ideas!


1. What article did you choose to read for your fourth article?

I read "Rated A," by Elder Marvin J. Ashton of the Council of the Twelve Apostles, printed in the November 1977 Ensign.

2. What were the most important things you learned from the readings?

These readings were a great reminder to me of the power and influence that media can have on you. There is a lot of bad media out there and a lot of good. The great thing is that we can choose what we will view and participate in. As I read I have been examining what I will participate in and what I will not.

3. How will what you have read influence your actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?

As a parent/teacher I will show my children how to properly use media and how to choose uplifting media. I will guide them when they are exposed to media and help them to make good decisions. FHE and activities are great opportunities. I will use so much good media and how how much there is that they will realize how much good media there is and there's not enough time to participate in all the good, let alone the bad. We will discuss the use of media, its purposes, and how often we use it. We will learn how to use it correctly and practice it. Children must learn how to make correct decisions so that when they are on their own they will make them wisely and knowingly.

4. How can you use what you have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?

I can use what I have learned to help my family and friends by helping to make the resources available to them and discuss them with them. When I am with them I can share my standards for media use with them.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Wonderful Thing That is the Promethean Board!

I have gotten to use technology a few times as I have taught. The Promethean board has been very helpful to me as I have taught reading and writing. In an interactive writing lesson we were writing about how to make a paper airplane. The students demonstrated how they make an airplane and then we brainstormed as a class what we should write to tell someone how ot make the airplane. When we decided on the title and the first sentence we would write, the students got to come up and write their sentence up on the promethean board. They really enjoyed getting to write on the board and loved that the font was in green because it was St. Patrick's day. They pay a lot more attention to the neatness of their handwriting when they write on the board I noticed. The board was great because everyone could see so well! i really enjoy using the promethean board and plan on using it for many activities in the future.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Using Technology in the Classroom

Having a promethean board in our classroom is very helpful to use in class. I could do a interactive writing lesson and use the board to have the students come and write the sentences we come up with on the board. Using the board excited the children because they can change the colors of their writing, they can erase work that they have done and want to do over, etc. The board is also able to be seen well by everyone in the class so all will learn and participate.