Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Tech Savvy Teacher

How Do You See the World?

Angie Permann and Rebecca Pike

Do you go outside and look through a telescope to look at the moon? Or do you sleep outside under the stars? Have you ever wondered what the sun looks like up close? What if all these answers and more were available to you with the push of a button and your computer screen. We are here to teach you how this can become reality.

First, we want our students to be able to understand the appearance and the shape of the sun, moon, and earth through their own learning experiences. We want them to see how each play a very important role in providing us with life through light. Google sky and Celestia are the tools that help us to get a view of these three scientific wonders up close and learn what the relationship is that they have with one another.

Our objectives come from the UEN 3rd Grade Science content, Standard and objective #1. Students were to describe the appearance of the Earth and the moon, describe the shape of the earth and the moon as being spherical, explain that the sun is the source of light that lights the moon, and list the differences in the physical appearance of Earth and the moon as viewed from space. The students were to record their findings in a graph using Inspiration 8.

This provides a fun hands on and interactive way of learning about the earth on which they live and the light that they receive from the sun and the moon. This helps them to see their world in a whole new light.

A picture of the sun.

This is what the website will look like when you pull up "Celestia"
A picture of the web that students would create to show what they learned.

A picture of the world from space.

A picture that shows the moon and the part that is lit up by the sun.

Sources: and

Monday, January 26, 2009


TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge. Teachers need to have a knowledge in all of these areas and then be able to effectively tie them together to create a stimulating learning environment in the classroom. There are many resources available online to help you learn the content, how to teach it, and how to use technology to help you teach it or help children learn. Technology can make the content and teaching much more exciting for children. One of the coolest websites available for teachers to use in their classrooms to help teach science is Google Sky. You can focus in on different parts of the sky and see a lot of details from the telescope tht they use! You can also see a lot of different constelations and they will outline them for you in the sky. You can learn about the solar systems, galexy and see awesome space images to help students picture what you are talking about. There is so much that you can do on this website and it will really get students excited! It is very user friendly and the students could get onto the website themselves and learn more.

Monday, January 19, 2009

RSS Feeds and Web 2.0

Wow! I learned a lot of new information from this weeks assignments. There are so many awesome resources available to help organize ideas and other resources on the web. I didn't realize I could use the web so much to help my students become familiar with technology and have fun with it as they learn virtually every subject. Technology allows students to receive feedback from family members who may be overseas or live to far to see the picture that they drew hung on the fridge. Web 2.0 allows for a sharing of information between teachers - such as great educational links and books to read in your classroom. Web 2.0 sites such as Goodreads can really help parents to find good books for the chidldren to read. RSS feeds make it so much easier to get the information that you want quickly and efficiently. I can use these tools as a teacher to make learning more fun and adding variety to project ideas. Students will learn a lot by using these tools in their learning.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Technology Background and Experience

IP&T 287 is a very welcome and needed course for me.  My background in technology is very basic.  I can use the basic word programs and internet.  I use the internet daily for school and communication through email or facebook.  I can tell you that if there is a problem or the computer freezes you hit control/alt/delete and magic happens (as long as you have saved your work :)).  I use a cell phone daily and every now and again run with an ipod.  Digital pictures are delightful and sometimes I'll watch a DVD.  I listen to CD's (I know they are becoming "old school").  Needless to say I use technology everyday, but I am a novice and open to help!