Monday, January 19, 2009

RSS Feeds and Web 2.0

Wow! I learned a lot of new information from this weeks assignments. There are so many awesome resources available to help organize ideas and other resources on the web. I didn't realize I could use the web so much to help my students become familiar with technology and have fun with it as they learn virtually every subject. Technology allows students to receive feedback from family members who may be overseas or live to far to see the picture that they drew hung on the fridge. Web 2.0 allows for a sharing of information between teachers - such as great educational links and books to read in your classroom. Web 2.0 sites such as Goodreads can really help parents to find good books for the chidldren to read. RSS feeds make it so much easier to get the information that you want quickly and efficiently. I can use these tools as a teacher to make learning more fun and adding variety to project ideas. Students will learn a lot by using these tools in their learning.

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