Thursday, January 8, 2009

Technology Background and Experience

IP&T 287 is a very welcome and needed course for me.  My background in technology is very basic.  I can use the basic word programs and internet.  I use the internet daily for school and communication through email or facebook.  I can tell you that if there is a problem or the computer freezes you hit control/alt/delete and magic happens (as long as you have saved your work :)).  I use a cell phone daily and every now and again run with an ipod.  Digital pictures are delightful and sometimes I'll watch a DVD.  I listen to CD's (I know they are becoming "old school").  Needless to say I use technology everyday, but I am a novice and open to help!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you are in the same boat as most of us. This class should help you to learn a few more interesting things about technology. I hope it is fun for you!
